Who Am I?

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I'm always looking for more...I almost need to be too busy to function, to be content! I might have found it now! Between my make-up interests and my new business venture with Gold Canyon I am plenty busy. But not too busy to blog about it all!! Idleness makes me bonkers! LOL Hence the creation of this blog. I thrive off of organized chaos. My last blog attempt left little to my imagination, chalk that up to growing pains. This time around its going to be light, fluffy, funny, inspiring and just simple. I hope the happiness doesn't make you sick because I intend to go all the way in with it!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Less still is More!!

This is why I left Twitter…and I have one foot out the Facebook Door.

One of the things I came to realize about myself in the last year is that I really am okay, not knowing as much as I have been previously privy to! If you know me well or have known me for a really long time you know that me talking or people talking to me comes very easily. I have always tried to have an unbiased opinion and I have never felt the need to try to force my opinion on how someone else should live ‘their” life, quite honestly, because I hate it when people do it to me. Although, I do realize that my sensitive and caring nature has made me give strong “thoughts” here and there. Experience has now taught me that I now just say “Hey, you like, I love it”, which I think overall just means it’s your life so if your cool, I’m cool! At the end of the day you’re going to do exactly what YOU want to do regardless of the opinion/advice/suggestion of anyone else, right! But since part of my plan in the last year is to build my relationship with God I would probably now say to someone, pray about it, trust your heart and go from there.
 Now I promise I had a point when I started this…Oh yes information overload...I know tons of people, and let me say months ago I might have said I have tons of friends but I have used that word loosely for way too long and after much deliberating with myself, we decided yes (me, myself and I) that it is quality over quantity so therefore we will be careful how we toss around that word. Yes that’s a whole other blog and an entire chapter maybe two in my book! But I digressed, some months ago I was a happy go lucky participant in the “twitter world”. Following 
celebrities, getting my healthy dose of inspiration, even networking for jobs and of course I had actual people I knew who I followed and who followed me. Insert a personal incident that left my ego a bit bruised, where I was the chosen one left out of what would normally be a “team effort”. (that story tonite at 11) A few tweets and a few texts later I decided things got out of hand, it was just way too much and I had a choice to remove myself from things that were just too much FOR ME or I could remain there and continue to witness things that would potentially hurt or annoy me again. So I hit the delete button, now let me explain this was not some isolated incident. I had been “involved” in other twitter debacles which is why this last one was the nail in the coffin. I soon realized that it was just all way too much. People want to be able to say and do whatever they want, admitting yeah I said it or did it and I should be able to because it’s my twitter, where others want to say it in a “general” way hoping no one really reads between the lines. It just took the fun out of it when feelings get hurt and no one really stops and thinks what their tweets may actually do, and quite frankly at some point when do we really leave anything private. Does the “less is more” really not apply anymore just because technology has made it easy to keep in touch and network? I will admit I was addicted to twitter, everyday like clockwork I’d log in looking for my dose of inspiration or what was going on that would make me laugh with my “get through the work day on twitter crew”. But at some point it just stopped being fun. Facebook has turned into the exact same thing and I swear half the people I’m “friends” with should be on twitter, why are we updating Facebook every time we do ANYTHING? Granted there was no quota but are we really here where I can know everything about people I really don’t know? Then why go make a big fuss about identity theft and other things if you are just going to tell it all on Facebook or Twitter? Prime example, I’m friends with a former classmate again I say classmate whose last name I barely knew and now I can tell you where she works, what she had for dinner when she is in love when isn’t. What time her son goes to bed, when he had a cold. I mean seriously I am so afraid that all of this technology is making us lose sight of real connections to people.
 I mean I am honestly getting ready to say this, but doesn’t anyone want to keep anything to themselves anymore?? It was one of the things that sold me on really getting back to keeping it simple. It was just way too much, (I know I have said that like 3 times already but IT WAS!) It got complicated, it was no longer quite easy to understand or deal with. If you find yourself feeling like this, if it doesn’t work well for you and its okay to admit that it doesn’t walk away. Trust me at the end of the day with all that is being said out there I guarantee, you really aren’t missing much!

K.I.S.S., (Keeping it So Simple)


1 comment:

  1. Less is more. The less you say the more people will listen.
