Who Am I?

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I'm always looking for more...I almost need to be too busy to function, to be content! I might have found it now! Between my make-up interests and my new business venture with Gold Canyon I am plenty busy. But not too busy to blog about it all!! Idleness makes me bonkers! LOL Hence the creation of this blog. I thrive off of organized chaos. My last blog attempt left little to my imagination, chalk that up to growing pains. This time around its going to be light, fluffy, funny, inspiring and just simple. I hope the happiness doesn't make you sick because I intend to go all the way in with it!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Happy...to be back!

Well...Hello again!

             So, I searched via google, for the perfect definition to use here for the purpose of getting you to understand (if you were wondering) why I chose my "new" blog name and Wikipedia’s definition just spoke to me. Wikipedia says "Simplicity is the property of being simple. It usually relates to the burden which a thing puts on someone trying to explain or understand it. Something which is easy to understand or explain is simple, in contrast to something complicated. Alternatively, as Herbert Simon suggested, something is simple or complex depending on the way we choose to describe it."  When I read this I said to myself “YESSSSS, that’s exactly what I want!"

          Over the last few years of my life, I have been complicated and confused and unsure and over the last year I learned it was more so my fault than not. Without divulging names or specifics I will share parts of my last year at times in an effort to show the growth or lesson I learned from it. The one major lesson or thought I had was I just want to keep it simple. It is so important for me now to make sure I live in the present moment and keep it happy and simple. You are what you speak and think you are! I repeat YOU are what YOU speak and think YOU are! (I am speaking to myself here as well)

          Now don’t get me wrong because by true definition Simple means easy to understand, deal with, but it also means...PLAIN. That does not mean I want to be plain or boring, because I’m a fun girl(woman) lol, I just mean the day to day living of my life I want to be free of drama, complications and anything that does not scream out simple and happy. 

When I decided to shut down my previous blog and regroup and rebuild me I knew coming back into this I had to be honest with myself so I can be honest with my followers…all 5 of you! :) It was important that I remain true to myself but stand out enough to be recognized, if that makes sense, the blogs of the world are in the masses of 100s, so I didn’t want anyone to see this as just another blog. I shut down my previous blog “littlemissjaechatterbox” because it wasn’t who I really was, or correction it was who I used to be and as true as it was, because I was a chatterbox that name did not represent me the way I intended it to. In fact it set the tone for my life, leading to huge lessons learned and a mental growth spurt!

               I have the gift of gab, it is who I am, but it is a gift from God which means that the purpose of it is intended for good. So I needed to re-evaluate the ways in which I was using my gift and if it was doing more harm than good. While I realize 80% of the time it is used for good, that other 20% yeah, not so much. The difference was I thought before I spoke 80% of the time, while the other 20% I didn’t! Plain and simple, and as we move along I will revisit these times I didn’t use that 20%. But for now as I embark on this new journey of "Me" I decided to start writing and sharing again, hoping that maybe I can let someone else know (1) Life can be easy although it comes with TESTS  (2) You are not alone and (3) You can change & Be a Better You. I put "tests" in caps because it’s important we recognize that we are not free of “issues” in this world but how we view them and ourselves in it can help keep them “simple”. There will be times I will have something funny to share and lots of times it will be me reflecting and having an Aha Moment(s), sprinkled in with some randomness. I hope that my attempts to live a Simple, Happy life will jump off the pages of this blog and keep you coming back and in turn we can live Happily, Simplistic together! 

*disclaimer* I don’t have it all figured out and some days I need to check myself or get checked(the "checkers" know who they are), this is simply(pun intended) my journey to grow happier and more simplistic with each passing day.

Thanks for reading and remember Keep it Simple”,


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