Random Funny...
Some years ago I became obsessed with eye shadow. My mom used to tell me you would be surprised how much better you feel when you put on some makeup. I promise it wasn't meant in a shallow way! Of course it started with CVS brands, Loreal, Covergirl. Then the occasional treat to MAC with mom. When I worked at Sephora I took that love to another level when I began to experiment with other high end brands. Over the years my collection has been depleted with those less than great brands and replaced with some tried and true added in. I had so many that I could afford to keep spares in my purse or in the car as well as under the bathroom sink. Now you might be wondering why would I keep makeup in the car, well you never know. Sometimes I have au naturale days where makeup is just not a necessity, but by mid day something could pop up and I may feel the need to splash on a little color. So one Christmas a friend of mine bought me this set that had 2 different palettes in it with 2 different tones of colors. One with pinks and purples(my fave eye shadow colors) and a more neutral with browns and greens and tan, perfect for the car. So fast forward to last weekend when I decided after running a few errands, that I was going to take an impromptu trip to Philly to see the family, out of pure boredom and missing the nephew & niece. I knew I would be seeing other people, and thought I should probably spruce myself up a bit. While I sat on Baltimore/Washington Parkway in a bit of traffic I soon remembered that I had my "spares" in the console. So I pulled out my lovely green/tan palette and quickly remembered the blush in it was broken up. Now I had been meaning to dump the broken pieces for some time now so that I would not spill them on me. So as I drove at a leisurely pace (kids don't try this at home) I thought, "why don't I just dump it out now". If anyone is on litter patrol for the highway please stop reading now! Let me give them a minute to look away or log out! OK so where was I, oh yes I turned to stick the palette out the window, dumping only the the broken pieces of blush and I guess with all the construction happening along 295, Mother Nature thought it could use a little sprucing up! No sooner did I reach my hand out the window, did MN snatch the whole palette out my hand! I kid you not she snatched that sucker so fast, all I could do was Gasp! I immediately looked in my rear view to make sure the driver behind me was not suddenly hit with a smokey eye! It really was hilarious, although as much of a favorite the pinks and purples were losing them as a casualty would have hurt less since, the natural one gets more eye play. So after I finished dabbing a little light shade of purple on my eyes. I simply wrote it off, after all we all must do our part in keeping america beautiful right? Well we can check Baltimore/Washington Parkway off the list, thanks to me it feels a little more prettier today.
Who Am I?

- Jae
- I'm always looking for more...I almost need to be too busy to function, to be content! I might have found it now! Between my make-up interests and my new business venture with Gold Canyon I am plenty busy. But not too busy to blog about it all!! Idleness makes me bonkers! LOL Hence the creation of this blog. I thrive off of organized chaos. My last blog attempt left little to my imagination, chalk that up to growing pains. This time around its going to be light, fluffy, funny, inspiring and just simple. I hope the happiness doesn't make you sick because I intend to go all the way in with it!
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